In January of 2011, the MGM Bill was presented to the United States Congress as well as 14 state legislators including in Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington. Known in full as the Bill to End Male Genital Mutilation, MGM is an attempt by those known as Intactivists to put an end to baby circumcision in the United States.
And they have a comic book, Foreskin Man.
Both issues #1 and #2 of Foreskin Man are available for free online and tell the story of Miles Hastwick’s superhuman crusade to stop dastardly circumcision at the hands of those like Dr. Mutilator or Monster Mohel. And, before one leaps to claims of antisemitism, it may be worth noting that mgmbill.org is endorsed by groups including Jews Against Circumcision and the Israeli Association against Genital Mutilation who are against performing a bris, for what it’s worth.
Rao wonders, who would win in a fight — Foreskin Man or Shaloman? And with whom would the Jewish Hero Corps stand?
This is blatantly vile anti-Semitic propaganda. Using some straw man to deflect accusations is pathetic. Get some fucking principles, you weak-willed pawn.
This is a horrible piece of propaganda against the Jewish people. They went through the holocaust once and should never be subjected to this kind of treatment again. You should be ashamed! God WILL judge you for this filth!!
I stand with Israel!!
… Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision – A Film by Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
Jews for the Rights of the Child
Circumcision and the Brain
Alternative Jewish Rituals
Israeli Linguist Vadim Cherny: How Judaic is the Circumcision?
http://vadimcherny.org/judaism/how_judaic_circumcision.htm …
.. Some Jews feel the time has come for a symbolic bris without surgery.
Jewish Groups for Genital Integrity
* Jews Against Circumcision http://www.jewsagainstcircumcision.org/
* Jews for the Rights of the Child http://www.jewsfortherightsofthechild.org/
* Brit Shalom Celebrants by Mark D. Reiss, M.D. http://www.circumstitions.com/Jewish-shalom.html
* Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective by Ron Goldman, Ph.D. http://www.jewishcircumcision.org
* Beyond the Bris: Jewish Parenting Blog http://www.beyondthebris.com ..