Over at the Brooklyn Comic Shop site, owner Joshua H. Stulman shares a few candle-kindling moments from Hanukkah in comics:
In truth it is still rare to find Jewish comic characters in comics and even harder to find mainstream comic stories about Chanukah. Although I must say that both Marvel and D.C. have been pretty good about including a one page Chanukah pin up in their holiday annuals since the 1990’s.

This does, tangentially, raise the question whether Batwoman, as portrayed by Ruby Rose on CW crossover shows Flash, Green Arrow, and Supergirl, will be overtly depicted as Jewish on television, too.
Chanukah In Comics!
Over the summer, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises combined for over $1 billion domestically, which led Heeb Magazine‘s Arye Dworken to yearn for a “Jewish Superhero Blockbuster.” Overlooking the Jewish roots of Batman, Spider-Man, Thor, and Iron Man et al’s creators, Dworken nominates several second-tier superheroes for big-time cinema status, including Kitty Pryde (last seen played by Inception actress Ellen Page) and Batwoman (voiced at one point by The Closer‘s Kyra Sedgwick). While some on Dworken’s list have been on animated superhero shows for television, their religion was never a central (nor even noted) aspect of the characters.
@ the intersection of religion and comics: Graphic Religion