“A surprising look at the deep religious motifs of superheroes,” bills the poster for First-Plymouth Church’s upcoming event, Superman, Batman, and Jesus. And while the locale might be curious — Brewsky’s Food & Spirits in Lincoln, NE — its premier presenter, S&S’s own Prof. Dan Clanton, is a key authority on the topic, himself a co-editor of Understanding Religion and Popular Culture from Routledge in 2012. 
The event will also feature music by local talent Andrea Von Kampen. (Does she perform any music on the combined theme of religion and superheroics?)
The Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional AAR/SBL/ASOR annual meeting features a panel of Sacred and Sequential colleagues discussing “Comics as an Act of Discovery in the Study of Religion.” Panelists include Dan Clanton (Doane College), Terry Clark (Georgetown College), and Elizabeth Coody (University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology). The discussion will be moderated by Leonard Greenspoon of Creighton University.

Elizabeth will also be moderating “Christian Popular Culture” during the second full day of the conference as well. Find the full program listing here.
@ the intersection of religion and comics: Graphic Religion