Following our year-end listing of the top new stories in 2019, the question arose as to what were the top overall postings in 2019. That is, what were the most-read articles, regardless of what year they were published.
So, to satisfy curiosity, here are Sacred and Sequential‘s most-read pages over the course of 2019:
A year or two ago, S&S Founding Members David McConeghy and A. David Lewis sat down to discuss the latter’s new book, American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion: The Superhero Afterlife for The Religious Studies Project. Since that time, The Superhero Afterlife went on to be nominated for an Eisner Award, and McConeghy has switched American coasts, moving from West to East.
However, at around the same time, RSP’s own David G. Robertson penned this incisive response to the subject of their conversation, which, in light of 2017 politics and recent criticism of mainstream superhero storylines, now feels remarkably prescient.
Therefore it is vitally important for a non-essentialist and non-elitist study of religion that we consider comics in their cultural and historical context. Without that, structural analyses may be merely repeating hegemonic categories and structures of power.
Robertson is a Co-founding Editor of the Religious Studies Project and a committee member of the British Association for the Study of Religion. For his full CV, see his Academia page or personal blog here.
Panel from _Manifest Destiny_ by Chris Dingess with art by Matthew Roberts
American historians sometimes call the waves of religious fervor in the 18th and 19th century our country’s “Great Awakening.” It is a powerful image–convinced that God’s spirit was calling Christians to renew their commitments–Americans flocked to open-air revivals to hear fiery sermons by orators like George Whitefield. Among the innovations of this era was what would become evangelicalism, that variety of Christianity that emphasized the individual, emotional “born again” experience of admitting one’s sinful nature and accepting Jesus’ offer of redemption.
Why this historical introduction? I have tried to consider various explanations for how my assortment of monthly comics came to be. Are my subscriptions simply the products of obscure personal quirks? Am I distracted by certain styles of art or attracted to certain writers? No matter how I tried to explain why I had certain comics on my list to be set aside monthly when they arrive, I found that the list defied me.
Around this time last year, S&S’s own David McConeghy penned a compelling piece for Sacred Matterson the integration and, arguably, augmentation of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu gods in the narrative structure of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy — the comics series, its spin-offs, and its cinematic adaptations.
McConeghy hails this aspect of the Hellboy franchise in saying:
[I]t is foremost a comic that embraces the gothic as Lovecraft did in the interwar years in New England. The comic delights in paranormal abilities that connect to worlds beyond our own. It celebrates the prophetic as a link to authentic religious pasts long forgotten. It satisfies our desire to live in a demon-haunted world but feel protected by honorable, if flawed, guardians.
DeviantArt image by 007Alfredo
Part of Hellboy‘s success, he suggests, is Mignola’s employment of Rudolph Otto’s mysterium tremendum es fascinans, “the mystery that both repels and attracts us.” The titular hero of Hellboy is a product of that same dark mystery he both seeks to confront and defend us from: “Thank goodness for Hellboy,” acknowledges McConeghy, showing the fictional character’s engagement with a fictional religion as compelling stage for real-life religiosity.
To paraphrase The Sound of Music, how do you solve a problem like Habibi?
Collected here, S&S’s own Jeff Brackett, Dave McConeghy, and A. David Lewis take to Twitter to examine the issues with bringing Craig Thompson’s 2011 graphic novel into the college classroom. (And Nick Sousanis and Chris Dowdy each make a special appearance!)
@ the intersection of religion and comics: Graphic Religion