Cartoonist Naji al-Ali’s Handala, “the quintessential mark of Palestine solidarity.”
The Institute for the Palestine Studies’ blog Palestine Squarerecently featured coverage by writer Khelil Bouarrouj entitled, “The Role of Comics in the Palestinian Narrative.” In it, Bouarrouj considers the impact of works including Joe Sacco’s Palestine, Leila Abdelrazaq‘s Bawaddi, Harvey Pekar and JT Waldman’s Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me, and Palestinian-American Marguerite Dabaie‘s Hookah Girl, among others.
To paraphrase The Sound of Music, how do you solve a problem like Habibi?
Collected here, S&S’s own Jeff Brackett, Dave McConeghy, and A. David Lewis take to Twitter to examine the issues with bringing Craig Thompson’s 2011 graphic novel into the college classroom. (And Nick Sousanis and Chris Dowdy each make a special appearance!)
@ the intersection of religion and comics: Graphic Religion