Tag Archives: superheroes

Monty Python and ZERO THEORUM Director Sees Superheroes Replacing Religion

Terry GilliamThe man behind The Fisher King, behind Brazil, behind Time Bandits, Terry Gilliam, was making the interview rounds in September to promote his new film Zero Theorum starring Christoph Waltz. In speaking with CinemaBLEND, the Twelve Monkeys director expressed his concerns about superheroes replacing religion:

I mean the Church is a dying thing. But comics and Marvel are everything now, aren’t they? Don’t they have all the answers to our lives? Aren’ they the figures that we want to copy and be like and aspire to? Don’t they relieve us when we’re in trouble?

Read the rest of the Monty Python’s comments here.

Sequart Reviews A. David Lewis’s New Book: “particularly timely”

Sequart logoSequart‘s Karra Shimabukuro was given early access to the new book by A. David Lewis, American Comics, Literary Theory, and Religion: The Superhero Afterlife. Due out in November from Palgrave Macmillan, Shimabukuro detailed what readers can expect from the forthcoming book on superheroes, the afterlife, and audiences’ notions of personal selfhood.

As more and more people question the purpose and definition of self in the modern world, Lewis’ work is particularly timely.

Shimabukuro particularly noted the incorporation of theorists Benedict Anderson and Jeffery Burton Russell as personal attractions to the text. The book, she says, will be of interest to readers intrigued by the “argument for multiple selfhoods, and how this relates not only to how we view characters (in relation to reboots, revisions, and retcons), but also how we understand characters through the ever growing intertextual connections such as movies, cartoons, fan fiction, etc.”

Read more here.

The ISIS Terrorist Who Loves Superheroes

Rich Johnson at Bleeding Cool noted a particularly disturbing trait to one of the ISIS terrorists: He’s apparently a superhero fan. The Guardian newspaper profiled Reyaad Khan, a Welsh jihadist and, based on his Twitter feed, a Batman and Justice League enthusiast. Shouldn’t there be something inherently contradictory between the superhero credo and ISIS’s principles? Read more here.

Millar (vs. Morrison’s) Christian Use for Swamp Thing

In their ongoing analysis of comic book writer Mark Millar’s body of superhero works, Sequart recently featured a piece written by Colin Smith on Millar’s Christian undertones for the Swamp Thing series, as compared to his collaborator Grant Morrison’s more universalist streak. Read here.
